holiday has started.
for me,i don't feel like a holiday at all,been working like ass at swensen's.
however,I'm getting to love doing runner.don't know the reason.maybe because i don't want to face the bloody customer much.
such a cruel thought towards customer.haha.
well I'm going to face patient after i pas out from ITE.hmm,haha,for nursing itself,i don't know why i find it fun.
hmm whatever.i don't what will become of me in the future.SERIOUSLY.
will i continue study in a higher education?
I'm a coward.i know.hais.
hari raya is coming.I'm excited.will be celebrating as a whole SHIT huh?!?!
even though hari raya wont be exciting because both parents working.
AND i will be working too. because have nothing to do.
my dearest sister will celebrate with the family.cant wait cant wait.
I'm missing my sayang baby.i know he don't know how i feel.
i doubt he knows either.
even how much i express it.he will doubt it.
well maybe because the way i express my feelings is not readable.
but what the heck.
he is a bestestest gift i ever had!
i lovelove him lots lots!!