Beach road!!
After our mask fitting, Amirah, Faidila, Ayun and me went to Beach road to fill our stomach.
And i'm the only one with PE SHIRT. We have Nasi Ayam Penyet. Nice.
After indulge the food, Faidila wants to have Tulangs. Haha, she keep on saying that she wants it.
So yeahh, we have tulangs. It was heavenly nice. Faidila wanted to try the somsom. Somsom is the meat in the bone. It's like a dare to her. Very geli eh? HAHA. Like caterpillar, i said.
We ate til the colourings stain our fingers. Haha, Like just married gitu.
After the meal, Faidila off to work, and left the three of us walk to bugis. Amirah wants to go home.
Ayun and me walk around in Town. Window shopping. Regret because got sales but with no cash.
Funny i know. Around 6 pm, we wanted to go home. Ayun didn't get to buy her Frappe. Other day k dear?
We should have a proper outing, GIRLS.
Reached home and off to Bugis again with my sister.
Sister outing!!
Sister and me went out to Bugis at about 8pm.
Once we reached Bugis, we haunt for food. Like i said i was broke so so so my sister treat me.
I feel guilty. Ate at Tong Seng. There's this stupid guy trying to get my sister attention.
And i don't like it at all. Not even one bit. What to do, just ignore.
If i was wearing jeans and Ts, i will definitely bite his head off.
After dinner, walk in Bugis street. Just window shopping. Nice clothes, bags But no cash!!
After walk around, we chill and took pictures. Vain we are. Then off to our journey to City Hall by foot. We talked and laughed. It has been a long time since we have sisters outing.
And i love it BEBEH!! Reached home abt 12mn.
I hate all the nagging and criticism you slap to my sister. DON'T ACCUSE BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE! I hate when people tend to talk rubbish and has no sense when you are angry or trying to make them realise.
It's not the way. You have a brain, use it well, parents.