Monday, January 19, 2015

"Anger makes you  smaller, while  forgiveness forces you to  grow beyond what you  were" - Cherie Carter- Scott   

"The past is a foreign  country; they do things  differently there" ~Lesley  P. Hartley   

"To be wronged is  nothing unless you  continue to remember  it" - Confucius?   

"There's no point in  burying a hatchet if  you're going to put up a  marker on the  site"  ~Sydney Harris?   

"Sometimes good things  fall apart so better things  can fall together"-  Marilyn Monroe   

"Holding on to anger is  like grasping a hot coal  with the intent of  throwing it at someone  else; you are the one  getting burned" - Buddha   

"No matter how well you  nurse a grudge, it will  never get better" -Joyce  Smith  

 "No one can go back and  make a brand new start,  my friend, but anyone  can start from here and  make a brand new end" - Dan Zadra 

 "Once a woman has  forgiven her man, she  must not reheat his sins  for breakfast" Marlene  Dietrich   

"Forgiveness does not  change the past, but it  does enlarge the future"  - Paul Boese   

"We are all here for  some special reason.  Stop being a prisoner of  your past. Become the  architect of your future" -  Robin Sharma 

 "We must embrace pain  and burn it as fuel for our  journey" - Kenji  Miyazawa